Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RIP: Gene Van Troyer

Gene Van Troyer 1950-2009

It was dreadful to hear the demise of a visinory sf writer and critic Gene Van Troyer .

Gene has been very regular on our Yahoo Indian Science Fiction Group.He was a friend, philosopher and guide kind of persona for us -he expressed his views on various aspects of Sf on the forum from time to time and often showed the light and right path to choose whenever there happened to be some impasse in discussions between us !

I PERSONALLY feel very much deprived and bereaved on the demise of this visionary sf writer and critic.

He was full of optimism but oh the cruel death does not spare any one on this mortal land -perhaps he has gone to inhabit one of those planets of his sf stories which as a rule abounds with immortal lives .

When I talked him last I did not realize that his health was deteriorated to the extent that the end was too near …he accepted that writing in sitting posture was getting increasingly difficult for him but I felt that this man of great optimism and determination would come out of all this and shall have the last laugh ! ALAS ! as ill luck would have it it could not happen so ….

May all mighty give his family enough strength to withstand this great loss .

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